Monday, May 10, 2010

Meetcha Day!!!!

Today was the day we got to meet Daniel. The morning started off crazy with me jumping out of bed thinking we slept through it all, the travel clock was not ticking anymore and I jumped out of bed grabbed Marks watch and thought it was Noon (we had to meet downstairs at 9:30) it was only 6:30 am I had the watch upside down! We had breakfast with the of the families then we hung out for awhile. Nervous and excitement were definitely setting in. After breakfast was the paperwork party at the Hilton and lunch. This is where we found out that Daniels birthday on his birth certificate was 12-19-08. Quite a shock since we were figuring from paperwork around end of March! Once that shock wore off we finished all our paperwork and had lunch. Then it was time to take the drive to the transition home. We all had cameras ready to get a picture of the infamous gate! We were so excited and anxious and the feeling of this is happening set in! The families went in alphabetical order so we were third in line. When it was our turn we stepped up to the steps and the nanny carried Daniel down them. I can't even explain the emotions when she put him in our arms. At first he was so unsure, he started to throw himself backwards to get out of my arms! This is typical since he has known these nannies for a year as his only caregivers. He warmed up to us pretty quick as long as he didn't see the nannies. We had a consultation with the doctor to go over all his medical records. In meeting with the doctor he confirmed that his birthday was February 22, 2009 not December 29, 2008. It was a mistake in translation of dates on one of the forms. This lined up more with what we were thinking and his development. We got to play with him and feed him a bottle. We had a couple of meltdowns which is to be expected but he seemed to calm down quickly when Mark held him. We did figure out that he loves Gerber Banana Cookies! We are definitely saving some of those for the plane ride home! We got to meet Daniels favorite nanny Serawit. She came right before we had to leave and she brought him a traditional Ethiopian outfit. She put it on him when she changed his diaper and we were able to take pictures of her holding him and one of all of us together. He is obviously very attached to her, as she is to him. Leaving was hard but knowing that tomorrow he will be with us forever made it easier. His own forever family. After the transition home the girls went to the spa for manicures. This was nice and relaxing after the emotional rollercoaster we were on all day. The boys stayed and hung out at the Guest House. After that we got to go for a traditional Ethiopian dinner complete with traditional dancing and music. It was extremely good. We have lots of video and pictures we will post when we get home. I can't even put into words the feelings and emotions of today. I thank God for this precious gift He has given to us and I thank him for the work he is doing through the nannies when these children are not able to be home. Tomorrow he is ours forever! Our lives have truly been changed forever!


Gina said...

So extremely excited for you! 0ur Eli's birthday is 2-23-09!

Unknown said...

Lisa and Mark,
So happy for both of you. I can only imagine how great it must have felt meeting Daniel for the very first time! Just reading your post brought tears to my eyes because I know what an emotional journey it has been. Can't wait to see you when you come home. Congratulations!!!!