Saturday, September 11, 2010

Melkam Addis Amet

Melkam Addis Amet, this means Happy New Year. Today is Enkutatash, the Ethiopian new year. To celebrate today I attempted to make a big Ethiopian lunch. It was wonderful as the house filled with smells that reminded us of being in Africa. The spices, onions and sauces all smelled wonderful cooking in our kitchen, the house still smells like it 4 hours later! To my knowledge this is Daniels first time having traditional Ethiopian food since he was so little when we got him. For lunch we had, Injera (which I bought online and would totally recommend, it was excellent) Doro Wat (an Ethiopian Chicken Stew, quite spicy) and Mesir Wat (a lentil stew). Both of our parents came down to be guinea pigs for us as this was our first time making traditional food. Reviews were great and we found out Daniel loves Injera and he liked the lentils. Here are some pictures of the food preparation and Daniel taking his first bites.

After lunch we all watched our video of our trip to Ethiopia and to meet our Daniel. What a nice day! Here is to many many more Enkutatash's to come!

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